At least one thing I’ve learned today…
In the hopes of keeping up with the ever-changing world of software design and development, as well as any other area of life, I’m going to try an experiment: I’m going to attempt to post at least one...
View ArticleOne thing I’ve learned today: The MCSD certification is back!
Many years ago, I earned my Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) certification passing exams on such technologies as Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) which I used a lot and VisualBasic 4.0...
View ArticleOne Thing I’ve Learned Today: MVC Custom HtmlHelper
This week, I’ve spent some time learning MVC and one of the things I was trying to do was to display an image given the path to an image file. Using an <img /> tag in a Razor view seemed crude...
View ArticleOne Thing I’ve Learned Today: Joining the community is hard work!
Blogs have been around for a long time now and until recently, I was convinced I had missed the boat. So many people were publishing excellent content on flashy and often well-designed web pages, how...
View ArticleOneThing I’ve Learned Today: Windows 8 tidbits
Just this past week, I upgraded from Windows 7 (32-bits because my desktop is ancient) to Windows 8. The upgrade went very smoothly which gave me some good vibes about this new operating system. It’s...
View ArticleOne thing I’ve learned today: Learning new technologies via samples results...
I was asked to develop an internal tool that would manage the advertisements we would display in our application. My requirements were simple: I needed to provide the user the ability to view the list...
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